
I provide gardening workshops to teach people how they can successfully grow nutrient dense food on plants that are pest and disease resistant while building soil and improving the environment. I have a passion for helping people understand spiritual topics through the systems and life that God has placed in the soil and plants. I would love to come and share about how people can grow their own food now and when we will have to depend on it.

Current Workshops Available

Bring Daniel Baldwin to your area to present these workshops

Ecological Gardening Workshop

I cover the guiding principles of using biology in the soil to release nutrition to your crops to minimize inputs and produce incredibly healthly plants that are disease and pest resistant and provide high nutrient levels when we eat them which gives us healthy bodies.

Workshops tipically run 4 hours but can be adjusted to your needs.

Topics Covered

  • Learn How to Build Soil Health With Life
  • Ecological Gardening/Farming Methods in Practice
  • How to Compost Successfully
  • Growing Plant Starts for Best Results

Request Worshop

Email me below or call 541-367-3349