Fruit Trees

These are the notes from this class.

Fertilize fruit trees

Cell division stage

As soon as leaves appear up to 7-10 days after petal drop.

Calcium  - 2 Tbs

Borax (11.5% boron) - 1 Tbs

Manganese - 1/2 tsp - prevents too much potassium in the tree which can restrict cell division.

Leonardite - 1/2 tsp

vegetable oil - 1 Tbs

1 gallon of water

Soap - 1 squirt

Then it is cell expansion time or fruit fill

During cell expansion apply triple 16 for the potassium to move sugars into the fruit. Also Manganese, Zinc, calcium, boron, copper (gives us strong fruit stem and fruit skin elasticity. Helps with skin splitting.).

Triple 16 - 3 Tbs


Manganese - 1/2 tsp

Zinc - 1/2 tsp

Calcium  - 1 Tbs

Borax (11.5% boron) - 1 Tbs

Copper - 1/8 tsp

Leonardite - 1/2 tsp

1 gallon of water

Soap - 1 squirt

Boron Foiler application in fall or spring (shortly before bloom time)

1.5 tablespoon of borax to a gallon of water for spray

N Foiler application shortly before bloom time

Urea - 2 Tbs

Leonardite - 1/2 tsp

1 gallon of water

Soap - 1 squirt

Foiler spay of calcium every 10-15 days during the growing season starting 15 days after blooming.

Spray shortly before fruit picking or leaf fall in the fall time

Calcium  - 2 Tbs

Borax (11.5% boron) - 1 Tbs

Iron - 1/2 tsp

Manganese - 1/2 tsp

Zinc - 1/2 tsp

Leonardite - 1/2 tsp

1 gallon of water

Soap - 1 squirt

This helps with pollination percent and fruit sizing, biannual bearing. Also thin fruit as soon as possible to help with bud development for next year.

Fall soil primer

When soil  is 55° F or lower, organic matter is convert mostly (80%) into humic acid or stable humic substances. It allows the bacteria to convert minerals into a plant available but non leachable form which can supply all the following crops mineral requirements.

Watering can soil drench

Molasses - 2 Tbs

Himalayan Sea Salt - 1 tsp

Fish hydrolysate - 2 Tbs

Leonardite - 1 tsp

Water - 1 gallon

Also sprinkle dry kelp on garden beds to promote good fungal growth over the winter.

Planting Method.

“It had been represented in the night season that they should be planted. I ordered my hired man to dig a deep cavity in the ground, then put in rich dirt [top soil], then stones, then rich dirt. After this he put in layers of earth [top soil] and dressing [manure or compost or both] until the hole was filled.” It would be good to mix in several gallons of rock duct into the top third of soil to provide more minerals.

Mulch with leaves. Wood chips, and compost. Keep mulched though life of tree and keep the grass and weeds away from the tree at least 6 ft diameter. Hoe or use a brush cutter to keep grass and weeds at bay.

Apples Verities

Jonagold - lots of sugar, acid, stores well 8-10 months. Medium flavor. Small to medium size.

Liberty - McIntosh flavor. Disease resistant. sweet and mildly tart fresh eating. Medium to large size. Good production. Stores well.

Golden Delicious - Stores 6 months. Looses flavor in storage. Sweet strong flavor. Tender texture. Somewhat Disease Resistant. Produces well every year.

Goldrush - scab-resistance, flavor is good, typical of Golden Delicious but with a bit more acidity. Develops more flavor in storage. Similar to Golden Delicious. Good for fresh eating.

Idared - keeps 5 months, tangy and juicy, one of best for pies, pretty pink sauce if cooked with skins on

Melrose - Large flattened fruit, Firm, coarse, juicy creamy white flesh, Slightly acid flavor. Keeps 3-4 months. Develops more flavor in storage.

Fuji - Sweet, crunchy, medium flavor, late-ripening, keeps for 4-6 months or more. Good for fresh eating.

King (Tompkins King’) - Large fruit triploid. Does not keep for long. Good for apple sauce and fresh eating.

Gravenstein - relatively hardy variety, prone to many diseases, from 1797, does not keep long. Good for apple sauce and fresh eating. Ripens in mid August.

Braeburn - small to medium-sized. cream-colored flesh is firm, coarse-grained, and aqueous with a crisp and crunchy consistency. aromatic medium flavor. sweet, and sharp taste without feeling sugary or overly tart. Ripens late. Good for fresh eating. Keeps for 2 to 4 months